If you burned a disc that contains files that allows the Xbox 360 console to update itself and the console cant find the update disc, that can be a problem. When you insert the update disc into your console and turn it on, do you get a message displaying on your televisions that says Cant find update disc. If you console gets that error, then there is a problem with the disc itself.
Solutions to fix this problem:
1)First clean the shiny side of the disc using a lint free cloth, in case there is fingerprints and smudges on the shiny surface of the disc. If the disc is dirty, then the laser inside the disc drive will struggle to read the data on the disc, therefore the the Xbox 360 cant update the console because it cant retrieve the update files.
2)If cleaning the disc doesnt resolve this problem, then i suggest you to download the firmware update again from the Xbox 360 official website and this time re-burn the disc at a lower speed. If the burning speed is set to fast, parts of the data getting burned onto the disc will get corrupted. Before burning a new copy, make sure the disc is clean and use reliable CD burning software such as Nero or Roxio.
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